A sit down with the project’s coordinator
Nowadays, European manufacturing and process industry sectors are under a strong digital and green transformation, mostly empowered by AI technologies and other data-driven approaches.
Nevertheless, many technological and business barriers need to be laid out to fully exploit the benefits of such transformation in our businesses and in our lives.
"In the Circular TwAIn project, we have created a very strong team of experts, with the intention to provide easy-to-deploy solutions able to adopt and fully leverage trusted AI technologies in ways that will enable end-to-end sustainability, i.e. from eco-friendly product design to the maximum exploitation of production waste across the circular chain."
The ambition of Circular TwAIn is to unleash the sustainability potential of AI technologies in circular manufacturing chains through
(i) Introducing AI optimizations in stages where AI is still not used (e.g., AI-based product design);
(ii) Using AI for multi-stage and multi-objective circular optimizations that could improve sustainability performance.
In this direction, the project will leverage information from a circular manufacturing dataspace to provide access to the datasets needed for multi-stage and multi-objective optimizations.
From the very first days of our work in July this year, the team has been involved in many meetings and telcos to share knowledge and experiences on business challenges and technological solutions in order to create the most productive and fertile playground, to create and deliver innovative services among the members of our ecosystem; these services will exploit the most successful findings about AI-based Digital Twins, supporting an unambiguous communication when realizing complex services for sustainable manufacturing. In addition, preliminary discussions and collaborations have started with other projects funded under the same call, as well as with other R&D&I initiatives active all over Europe.
“As the Coordinator of this EU Project, I am thrilled to share with you this first insight on our action, inviting you all to join our team of experts to exchange ideas, needs and solutions to drive the work ahead of us and to share further results in the coming months. So, stay tuned!”
Angelo Marguglio, Engineering