Circular TwAIn at the Manufacturing Partnership Day
The EFFRA Manufacturing Partnership Day is back on-site, and we wouldn’t miss it for the world! Circular TwAIn travelled to Brussels on the 26th and 27th of October, attending the flagship event for the manufacturing community organised by EFFRA - European Factories of the Future Research Association. EFFRA has created this excellent opportunity with the aim of raising awareness about the most recent Digital Manufacturing and Connected Factories projects, and we couldn’t be more excited about actively participating in it.
With more than 50 projects active in topics such as Quality Control and Zero-Defect Manufacturing, Sustainable and Agile Manufacturing, AI for Manufacturing, Data-driven Distributed Industrial Ecosystems, and Energy-efficient Manufacturing, the EFFRA Manufacturing Partnership Day has become a go-to event for every expert involved in manufacturing innovation. It offered two full days of pitches, panels and exhibition booths, bringing together experts from all over the world.
During the #EFFRAManuDay23, Circular TwAIn was present in the exhibition area with a booth and was represented by the Project Coordinator, Angelo Marguglio from Engineering, in the session about “Refurbishment and re-manufacturing of large ind. equipment: Digital manufacturing platforms & AI for sustainable, agile manufacturing”. In his presentation, Angelo Marguglio highlighted the project’s vision, its unique selling points, the current approach, and the impact generation strategy. He illustrated how manufacturing businesses can benefit from the AI toolkit for sustainable circular manufacturing, bringing examples from the project’s use cases: De-/Re-manufacturing of Li-Ion battery packs in e-mobility, De-/Re-manufacturing of consumer WEEE, and Hybrid Circular Twins for Petrol-Chemical Process Industry. Moreover, several members from the Consortium attended the Manufacturing Partnership Day, giving our Project an advantage as we were able to advance on ongoing actions swiftly.
The positive feedback we received at the event has given us more energy to continue our path, with audience members commenting on how Circular TwAIn has defined a valuable business and technical strategy for adopting new digital technologies in the growing market of circular value chains. The interest mostly focused on the role of the Human Digital Twins and their interaction with Process Digital Twins to support Pilot scenarios and continuously feed AI prediction models and XAI recommendations.
Even though the legal framework is jeopardised in the different sectors (as demonstrated in the project use cases), the technical approach and solutions proposed by the Circular TwAIn Consortium have piqued the interest of many experts, especially on topics such as human-centric AI, embedding cognition into Digital Twins, and Data Spaces for circularity. A brainstorming session took place, and for sure, more discussions will follow in the coming weeks.
We felt proud to present our achievements to this great community of experts, showcasing how we bring valuable results in the field of sustainable, eco-friendly, and circular production, able to exploit enabling and emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Digital Twins and Data Spaces. We were also delighted to reconnect with old friends, make new ones and meet in person those we previously interacted with online.
We are looking forward to continuing our discussions and collaborations!
You can learn more about all the participating projects here.