AI Platform for Integrated

Sustainable and Circular


Circular TwAIn researches, develops, validates, and exploits a novel AI platform for circular manufacturing value chains, which will support the development of interoperable circular twins for end-to-end sustainability. 

Based on the use of trustworthy AI techniques, the project enables human centric sustainable manufacturing, fostering the transition towards Industry 5.0 as well as the integration and combination of different data from various sources, with the intent to exploit the advantages of seamless data sharing within trusted and effective manufacturing data spaces, over the entire product life cycle considering sustainability aspects.

The Project


Data, AI and Digital Twin convergence for efficient and sustainable manufacturing

24th of March

14:00 - 18:00 CET


Schedule Table
Time End Duration Title Speaker Name Speaker Entity
14:00 14:05 0:05 Welcome Angelo Marguglio/Sergio Gusmeroli
14:05 14:10 0:05 Welcome message from EFFRA EFFRA
14:10 14:15 0:05 Opening speech by ADRA Philip Piatkiewicz ADRA
14:15 14:20 0:05 Opening Speech by the Circular TwAIn Project Officer Rositsa Georgieva HADEA
Circular TwAIn – AI-Driven Circular Manufacturing in the Era of Digital Product Passports
14:20 14:30 0:10 Circular TwAIn's Vision for Circular Manufacturing Angelo Marguglio Engineering
14:30 14:45 0:15 Enabling Circular Manufacturing with AI Francisco Marques NOVA
14:45 15:00 0:15 Data Spaces & Digital Passports for Sustainable Manufacturing Cinzia Rubattino Engineering
15:00 15:15 0:15 Real-world Applications: Circular TwAIn's Pilot Case on Battery Systems Luca Gentilini HAIKI Cobat
15:15 15:40 0:25 AI and Digital Product Passports: A Panel Discussion Sergio Gusmeroli POLIMI
15:40 Coffee Break
RE4DY – Edge-to-cloud Continuum Data Sharing and Simulation in Industry 4.0
16:10 16:15 0:05 Introductory Session Elena Angiolini HADEA
16:15 16:25 0:10 Welcome & Introduction: RE4DY Vision for Digital Manufacturing Networks Óscar Lázaro Innovalia Association
16:25 16:35 0:10 Technology speech from the proposing project: The RE4DY Toolkit Riccardo Zanetti Engineering
16:35 16:55 0:20 Make Industry Data Work: Sovereign Data Sharing in Resilient Manufacturing: A Panel discussion Jesús Alonso Innovalia Association
16:55 17:07 0:12 Collaborative ecosystem resilient product/production system engineering for electric battery Harald Sehrschön FILL
17:07 17:19 0:12 Collaborative ecosystem integrated machine tool performance self-optimisation Roberto Pérez GF+
17:19 17:31 0:12 Cooperative multi-plant turbine production with predictive quality chains Matteo Buscicchio AVIO AERO
17:31 Closure


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